Special Interest Groups
TESOLANZ has always tried to cater for the varied needs of its members. Working in ESOL means that you could be teaching in early childhood centres, primary, intermediate and secondary schools, tertiary institutions, private language schools, government departments, PTEs, community schools, English Language Partners (formerly the National Association of ESOL Home Tutors), etc. While it is not possible to have support groups for all of the above, special interest groups (SIGs) have been operating successfully for primary and secondary teachers, while tertiary members have been able to communicate through a mailing list.
TESOLANZ has had a significant role in recent developments impacting on ESOL students. We are increasingly recognised by NZQA and the Ministry of Education as the voice of New Zealand TESOL. TESOLANZ was represented on the panel that developed the New Zealand Certificates in English Language—national qualifications to replace the current locally developed certificates. Pressure from TESOLANZ also opened official eyes to the need for an alternative more appropriate pathway to university entrance literacy for English language learners.
If you are interested in learning more about your sector or being more active, contact the relevant sector leader. For more information about our SIG co-ordinators, see Our People.
The Primary Sector Special Interest Group was formed to provide a primary perspective in TESOLANZ. Some issues noted by ESOL teachers working in primary schools around New Zealand are:
- That the face of ESOL teaching has changed over the last few years, partly influenced by the number of International Students attending our schools.
- The positive effects of Cluster Groups as much needed Professional Development.
- The need for curriculum support for ESOL teachers, and support for NESB students in their mainstream classes.
- The increasing number of students who are coming to NZ with special learning needs as well as their NESB needs.
If you are a TESOLANZ member with an interest in these or other issues affecting ESOL teaching in a New Zealand primary school, contact the Primary SIG Coordinator to be added to the Primary SIG email list.
The Secondary Sector Special Interest Group was formed to give secondary teachers a voice in TESOLANZ policy-making and lobbying.
- What effect does NCEA have on ESOL?
- Should there be an ESOL curriculum?
- Should there be ESOL achievement standards?
- Are unit standards enough for secondary assessment?
Do these issues concern you? Do you want to know what other teachers think? Do you want the opportunity to contribute your own ideas?
If so, this is your opportunity to join the TESOLANZ Secondary Sector and encourage other teachers concerned with ESOL to do so. The sector welcomes all secondary teachers, whether your main focus is ESOL or another subject.
Contact the Secondary SIG Coordinator
The Tertiary Special Interest Group is a diverse grouping of people with a range of interests across the post-compulsory education sector. While we share many interests, we also belong to specific subgroups and have particular issues in focus. In recognition of this, we wish to give members the opportunity to connect and participate in conversations around some of these issues.
Contact the Tertiary SIG Coordinators