From Karen Glaser
Online conference on early L2 learning and teaching – Registration open // Call for Posters
Dear colleagues,
On September 22-23, 2022, we will be hosting the international conference ‘Advances in Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners’ (ATFLY 2022) as an online event. It provides an exchange platform for current empirical insights into the learning and teaching of foreign languages to young learners with a special focus on primary school contexts (age 5-12) with the aim to better understand the factors which contribute to effective and motivating early foreign language teaching.
The program of academic talks is available at Keynotes will be given by
Prof. Yuko Butler, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Prof. Florence Myles, University of Essex, UK
Prof. Heiner Böttger, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany
Prof. Norbert Schlüter, Leipzig University, Germany
We are inviting researchers, teachers, and teacher educators in the area of Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners to attend the conference. Registration is free of charge and open at our conference website at
In addition, we’re inviting proposals for poster presentations on research projects in the field of Teaching Foreign languages to Young Learners. While the conference language is English, research on any target language and from any part of the globe is welcome. The Call for Posters is open until 3 June 2022. More information as well as the guidelines for the submission can be also found on the conference website at
With best wishes,
Stefanie Frisch, University of Wuppertal, Germany
Karen Glaser, University of Leipzig, Germany