Our term 3 TESOLANZ Primary webinar will be held on
Wednesday 11th September at 7pm
Many schools have experienced an increase in the number of older primary students starting school with minimal levels of English, and the Ministry data reflects this too. In this term’s webinar we will hear from four schools who are doing things differently in response to this.
They are:
Sam Sloan – a classroom teacher from Hokowhitu Primary in Palmerston North
Haidee Jenkins – ESOL specialist at Greenpark School in Tauranga and an Across Schools Leader in the Tauranga Peninsular Kāhui Ako
Alana Curry – Deputy Principal at Silverdale Normal School in Hamilton
Hsin-Yi Yang and Ruth Lin – ESOL specialists at Oteha Valley School on the North Shore in Auckland
All are welcome to join but the recording will only be available to TESOLANZ members via the members’ page.
Click on the flyer below for more information and the QR code for the zoom link.