‘Where to from here? Future-proofing English Language Teaching and International Education in Aotearoa’
On Saturday the 28th of November, EIT hosted a BAYTESOL symposium which gave those working in English Language Teaching and International Education a chance to share their experiences of working in the industry, both during and post the Covid-19 lockdown.
There were 26 attendees coming from as far as Waiheke Island and Dunedin and the topics covered ranged from marketing New Zealand Education abroad, successful online courses, impassioning reluctant writers and the latest in online technology to ideas for online one to one lessons. We also heard a personal account from a student of her experience studying in New Zealand pre, during and post lockdown.
It was an excellent chance to network with others in the industry and to share what we have learnt during these unprecedented times.
A number of EIT staff were involved in organising the event and/or giving a presentation and the exceptionally delicious catering was supplied by EIT Tourism and Hospitality.