Abstracts are being invited for CLESOL 2020, to be held on the 2nd to 4th October 2020, at St. Cuthbert’s, Auckland. We welcome abstracts reflecting the theme of the conference, Whiria te reo, whiria te tāngata / Weave the language, weave the people. The aim of this conference is to […]
EAP Symposium 2019 presentations
Available now to TESOLANZ members are the presentations and video recordings from the 2019 symposium Building the knowledge base: Connecting research to practice in assessment & EAP, which was held at Wintec, Hamilton on 13 July 2019. Current TESOLANZ members can log in and access the presentations in the Members’ […]
Our statement on the Review of Achievement Standards
In October, 2019, the Ministry of Education called for expressions of interest for service on Subject Expert Groups (SEGs) for the upcoming Review of Achievement Standards. In response, TESOLANZ issued a statement calling for establishment of an ESOL/EAP SEG (or something similar) to speak to the needs of learners who […]
Welcome to our new website
TESOLANZ is excited to announce the launch of our new website. In addition to a visual overhaul, visitors will find new and updated news, publications and resources pages, including ESOL job opportunities from around the country. Learn more about TESOLANZ and our people, and see what’s on with our events […]
We have a YouTube channel
TESOLANZ has a brand new YouTube channel. Be sure to check it out. If you are a TESOLANZ member, login and navigate to our Members’ Area to access our members-only videos.
Our position on the proposed NCEA changes
On Saturday, TESOLANZ sent a letter to the Ministry of Education, NZQA, as well as several other Ministers. It was sent as a position statement from TESOLANZ and written in response to the proposed NCEA changes. We have received a positive response from the MoE regarding our NCEA statement.