AKTESOL Online Event Schedule Thursday 24 March 7pm
Zoom Link: https://auckland.zoom.us/j/98237714168?pwd=YUdtS09aWUV6c0ZPcUQ2QmZyOThnUT09
7:00pm Welcome from Chair and any matters arising from the AGM – Leslie Robertson
7:15pm Fiona Humphries – Useful practices to support well-being.
7:45pm Post-presentation discussion in break out rooms
Bio – Fiona Humphries
An experienced teacher and counsellor, Fiona Humphries works full-time at Fiordland College in Te Anau, Fiordland where she is the Guidance Counsellor, Careers Advisor, and teacher of Music. She originally trained as a primary teacher and, 16 years ago, broadened her horizons when she started her Masters in Counselling. Increasingly interested in tales of teacher wellness and, while continuing to work within the profession, Fiona started her EdD journey at the University of Otago to pursue her passion for teacher well-being. The working title for her doctorate is: New Zealand teachers’ perceptions and insights of their wellbeing: A mixed-method approach. The thesis is in the write up stage and she hope to submit it this year.