invites you to attend our
Translanguaging Zooui (Zoom hui)
When: Saturday, 27 March, 2021 9:30 am start
What: Practitioners and researchers across the sectors speaking on meaningful use of learners’ L1 to support their L2 learning
FREE to TESOLANZ members
Contact Jess on to RSVP and receive the Zoom link
09.30 Anne McCarthy (intro and overview)
09.50 Hilary Smith (early childhood, lang revival)
10.10 Gwenna Finikin (primary, ESOL)
10.30 Break
10.35 Angela Bland (secondary, Pasifika)
10.55 Cindy Tan (tertiary, teacher beliefs)
11.15 Ute Walker (tertiary, EAL and Foreign lang learning)
11.35 Finish