The WATESOL 2019 AGM will be held on 13 November 2019.
Guest speaker: Associate Professor Averil Coxhead
Word lists: something old, something new
Word lists have a great deal to offer learners and teachers, but they need to be handled carefully to be used effectively. I will begin this talk first by looking at features of several old and new spoken and written word lists of single words and multiword units. Then I’ll suggest several ways for teachers and learners to evaluate the usefulness of these lists for programmes and autonomous learning purposes. The second part of the talk focuses on principles for developing and critiquing word lists, drawing on existing examples and tools, and ways to use word lists for teaching and learning, analysis of classroom texts and talk, and testing.
Associate Professor Averil Coxhead teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in TESOL and Applied Linguistics. She is the author of Vocabulary and ESP research (Routledge, 2018) and Using Ted talks in the classroom (RELC SEAMEO, 2018), and co-author of English for vocational purposes: Language use in trades education (Routledge, 2020). She has made a word list or two and used them in her teaching and research.