TESOLANZ is privileged to recommend two speakers to present at the concurrent session of the 2023 Global English Education China Assembly. The speaker can be any member of our community, either English teachers or doctoral students who are willing to share their insights. The registration fee will be waived. The speaker […]
Bay Learning Academy shares for sale
Bay Learning Academy is a boutique school in Mt Maunganui. www.baylearning.co.nz We are a small, student orientated English school but we also have Spanish and Te Reo classes and migrant students TEC funded. Due to ill health the manager has to sell their 78% holding of Bay Learning Academy. The […]
Review Advisory Group and Working Panel expressions of interest
The NZCEL review, EAP and EL standards review will begin in the first quarter of 2023. If you have sent through your Expressions of Interest as a member to the Review Advisory Group or Working Review Panel, thank you for your diligence. Having a representative voice from the community in […]
AGM Minutes October 2022
Please read the TESOLANZ AGM Minutes October 2022
TESOLANZ requests consideration of EAP standards in NCEA rank scores
At the request of the 2021 AGM, TESOLANZ wrote to Universities New Zealand to request consideration of EAP standards in relation to NCEA rank scores. The submission was well-received by UNZ and they are in discussion over the proposal. EAP Standards TESOLANZ letter to UNZ
TESOLANZ Executive nominations open
Kia ora TESOLANZ members,Branches are invited to nominate TESOLANZ members to the TESOLANZ Executive for the following positions: President (elect) Committee Position (Publications) Note about the President (elect) position – This position will only become open if the AGM votes to support a proposal to change the Executive structure to […]